samedi 5 septembre 2015

Factorial in Java using Recursion and Loop

Problem : Write a program to calculate factorial of a given number in Java, using both recursion and iteration.

Solution : If you come from Maths background then you know that factorial of a number is number*(factorial of number -1). You will use this formula to calculate factorial in this  Java tutorial. Since factorial is a naturally recursive operation, it make sense to use recursion to solve this problem but its not always the best way. Iteration provides a more robust way, but don't worry you will learn how to calculate factorial with and without recursion in Java. By the way, factorial of numbers grows very quickly and even the largest integral data type in Java, long is not able to hold factorial of anything or above 50. In such cases you can use BigInteger, which has theoretically no limit and can be used to represent very large integral numbers.
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