lundi 17 août 2015

19 Java Method Overloading and Overriding Interview Questions and Answers

Method overloading and overriding is one of the tricky concept to master and that's why its one of the most popular topic in Java Interviews. You will often see questions like what is difference between overloading and overriding? or can you overload method in same class? during first few rounds of interview, mostly at telephonic round. Since its part of object oriented fundamentals its also good to know as much about these concepts as possible. In this article, I am sharing some of the basic but frequently asked questions which are solely based upon overloading and overriding concept and their implementation in Java programming language. By going through these questions, You will not only do well on interviews but also it will improve your understanding of Java and OOP fundamentals. BTW, if you are seriously preparing for Java interviews, just preparing this topic will not be enough and you need to prepare other important topics as well e.g. Java Collection framework, multi-threading, JVM internals and garbage collections etc. If you are in hurry, I would suggest you to take a look at Java Programming Interview Exposed by Wrox publication, one of the better book on Java interviews.
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